What is Cold Plasma?

Plasma is a partially ionized gas with ions, electrons, and uncharged particles such as atoms, molecules, and radicals. Cold Atmospheric Plasma (CAP) is said to be non-thermal because it has electrons at a hotter temperature than the heavy particles that are at room temperature. CAP is a specific type of plasma that is less than 104°F at the point of application.
Cold Plasma is the newest method of producing ozone without alteration of nitrogen in the air. Thus, no unwanted nitrogen oxides, a known air pollutant, are produced.
O3 is a natural by-product of Cold Plasma or Non-thermal Plasma and is GRAS (generally recognized as safe) as a sanitizer when used as directed.
As a result, in the absence of the formation of nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2), no corrosive acids remain in the premises, which are formed when nitrogen oxides are combined with water vapor in the air. PMOSAFE COLD PLASMA SANITIZATION SYSTEM DISTRIBUTES OZONE WITHOUT TOXINS AND BY-PRODUCT RESIDUE.